
February 2024

Figma / Adobe AfterEffects / Adobe Illustrator

Sunrise Outdoors celebrates nature's beauty and adventure. As the UI designer, I crafted UI assets and a brand book to capture its essence.



As the User Interface designer for the Sunrise Outdoors project, my role was to create visually compelling and user - friendly digital experiences that resonate with the brand's adventurous spirit. This involved designing UI assets that reflect the essence of Sunrise Outdoors while ensuring accessibility and functionality.

Project Specifications

• Develop a logo, visual identity guidelines, and marketing material for Sunrise Outdoors.

• Ensure consistency with brand identity and values.

• Create UI and design assets for an Interactive Retail Installation.


• Visual Identity Guidelines, in the form of a brand book.

• Marketing materials including merchandise mockups, icons and a promotional video.

• Screens specifically developed for the retail installation, including an interactive catalogue, rotating product viewer and a checkout screen.

The video below shows how the Retail Installation can be used and implemented in a store setting.

& Marketing


The Brand Book provides clear guidance on visual identity, tone, and values.It outlines directives for color, typography, and visuals, ensuring consistency.Emphasizing accessibility and user experience, it empowers designers to create engaging digital experiences.With concise directives, the Brand Book communicates Sunrise Outdoors' message effectively.

Brand Book

Marketing Materials

Sunrise Outdoors' marketing assets include icons, merchandise mockups, and a social media video. These visually captivating materials capture adventure and nature. Icons symbolize activities, while mockups showcase products. The video promotes outdoor adventuring. Together, they amplify the brand's message, inviting viewers to embrace the outdoors.

Marketing Materials


Sunrise Outdoors' retail setup blends digital and physical experiences seamlessly. An interactive catalogue and rotating product demo engage customers, while touchscreen checkout ensures smooth transactions. A motion graphic video adds ambiance, immersing customers in the brand's world.This setup invites customers to experience Sunrise Outdoors fully.


↖ Interactive Catalogue

Sunrise Outdoors' interactive catalogue offers a dynamic browsing experience with three screens, each featuring a curated selection of seven products. Lift any product, and sensors detect the choice, transitioning to the corresponding page. Pressing a button reveals more details about the featured product, empowering customers to explore and discover Sunrise Outdoors' offerings easily.


↖ Rotating Product Demo

Sunrise Outdoors' rotating product demo allows customers to explore a backpack's features in detail.Using swipe gestures, users can rotate the product in 3D, revealing different angles.Four stop points highlight specific features, while swiping up displays more data.Swiping down hides the details page, ensuring a streamlined experience.This interactive demo enhances engagement and understanding of the backpack's features.


↖ Touchscreen Checkout

Sunrise Outdoors' touchscreen checkout offers an interactive shopping experience. Customers can swipe through images to create their ideal outfit. After selecting their items, they can proceed to checkout, review their choices, and finalize their purchase. An option to print a receipt is available for convenience. This streamlined process ensures a seamless shopping experience at Sunrise Outdoors.


The project began with sketching out the logo designs and layouts for the branding and the Retail Installation. After approval from the client, these designs were digitalized and integrated into the brand's physical outlets and other items.
